Перегляд зібрання за групою - Автори Horbashevska, Marina

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Результати 1 до 19 із 19
Дата випускуНазваАвтор(и)
2024Artificial Intelligence in the Context of Business ManagementMatsuka, Viktoriia; Horbashevska, Marina
2024Artificial Intelligence in the Context of Business ManagementMatsuka, Viktoriia; Horbashevska, Marina
2023Competition of tourist regions: theoretical approaches, methods, and assessment indicatorsMatsuka, Viktoriia; Horbashevska, Marina
2023Competition of tourist regions: theoretical approaches, methods, and assessment indicatorsMatsuka, Viktoriia; Horbashevska, Marina
2024Digital technologies of financial security managementMatsuka, Viktoriia; Horbashevska, Marina
2024Digital technologies of financial security managementMatsuka, Viktoriia; Horbashevska, Marina
2024International business strategies of digital transformation of the economy [3.2]Matsuka, Viktoriia; Horbashevska, Marina
2024International business strategies of digital transformation of the economy [3.2]Matsuka, Viktoriia; Horbashevska, Marina
2024International indicators of sustainable development and tourism managementMatsuka, Viktoriia; Horbashevska, Marina
2024International indicators of sustainable development and tourism managementMatsuka, Viktoriia; Horbashevska, Marina
2024Leadership and management: identification and missionMatsuka, Viktoriia; Horbashevska, Marina
2024Leadership and management: identification and missionMatsuka, Viktoriia; Horbashevska, Marina
2025Mariupol 2.0: modern reconstruction managementMatsuka, Viktoriia; Horbashevska, Marina
2025Mariupol 2.0: modern reconstruction managementMatsuka, Viktoriia; Horbashevska, Marina
2024Models of saving cultural heritage: experience of EU and USAMatsuka, Viktoriia; Horbashevska, Marina
2024Models of state regulation of tourism development: global experienceMatsuka, Viktoriia; Horbashevska, Marina
2024Models of state regulation of tourism development: global experienceMatsuka, Viktoriia; Horbashevska, Marina
2024Modern trends, mechanismsand prospects for the developmentof tourist regions of UkraineMatsuka, Viktoriia; Horbashevska, Marina
2024Modern trends, mechanismsand prospects for the developmentof tourist regions of UkraineMatsuka, Viktoriia; Horbashevska, Marina