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Результати 1-10 зі 11.
Знайдені матеріали:
Дата випускуНазваАвтор(и)
2023The importance of strict adherence to the provisions of international treaties in the application of national legislation of UkraineIsaieva, A.; Volik, Vyacheslav
2023Freedom from violence is a fundamental human rightIsaieva, A.; Volik, Vyacheslav
2023The use of new media in the process of conducting information wars: a sociological aspectСтадник, Альона Георгіївна; Bondarenko, O.; Khodus, O.; Ihrushko, A.; Stadnik, O.; Vaniushyna, O.
2023Marketing Technology in the Context of Digitalization: Features and Trends in UkraineKniazieva, T.; Arakelova, Inna; Podolskyi, R.; Dashko, I.; Mohylova, A.
2023Anti-Crisis Management of an Educational Institution at War: Reforms, Changes, and Innovations in EducationKravchenko, T.; Prysiazhniuk, Larysa; Artemchuk, L.; Zharovska, O.; Bilyk, O.; Popruzhna, A.
2023The Artistic Space of the Topic of Inclusion in the Literature of UkraineSharova, T.; Pavlenko, A.; Nisanoglu, N.; Gladkykh, H.; Bodyk, Ostap
2023Synergy of Journalists’ Acquisition of Speech and Social-Communicative CompetencesGandziuk, V.; Tsepkalo, T.; Oleksenko, V.; Kalenych, V.; Oliinyk, A.; Bezchotnikova, Svitlana
2023Ecological and Economic Assessment of the Possibilities of Public-private Partnerships at the National and Local Levels to Reduce Greenhouse Gas EmissionsProkopenko, O.; Prokopenko, M.; Chechel, Anna; Omelyanenko, V.; Orozonova, A.
2023The role of entrepreneurship in modern societyMitiushkina, Khrystyna; Derevianko, A. S.
2023Adopting the Polish experience in the renovation of industrial regions as part of the post-war recovery strategy for Ukraine (based on the example of Silesia)Arakelova, Inna; Lisyutin, A.