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Результати 1-10 зі 11.
Знайдені матеріали:
Дата випускуНазваАвтор(и)
2020Integration of chatbots into the system of professional training of MastersShabelnyk, T.; Krivenko, S.; Rotanova, N.; Diachenko, O.; Tymofieieva, I.; Kiv, A.
2020Adverbial Time Indicators of Correlation of the Event with the Actual Moment: Structure, Semantics, FunctionsVintoniv, M.; Grachova, A.; Fedorova, Yu.; Novikova, O.; Tiutiuma, T.
2021The Influence of Medical Services Public Management on the Population’ Life QualityBarzylovych, A.; Ursakiі, Y.; Nadezhdenko, A.; Mamatova, T.; Chykarenko, O.; Kravchenko, S.
2023The use of new media in the process of conducting information wars: a sociological aspectСтадник, Альона Георгіївна; Bondarenko, O.; Khodus, O.; Ihrushko, A.; Stadnik, O.; Vaniushyna, O.
2023Anti-Crisis Management of an Educational Institution at War: Reforms, Changes, and Innovations in EducationKravchenko, T.; Prysiazhniuk, Larysa; Artemchuk, L.; Zharovska, O.; Bilyk, O.; Popruzhna, A.
2024Relationship between indicators of physical development and indicators of anaerobic productivity of the body of women 25-35 years oldMiroshnichenko, Viacheslav; Kalabiska, I.; Shvets, O.; Kovalchuk, A.; Halaidiuk, M.
2023Ecological and Economic Assessment of the Possibilities of Public-private Partnerships at the National and Local Levels to Reduce Greenhouse Gas EmissionsProkopenko, O.; Prokopenko, M.; Chechel, Anna; Omelyanenko, V.; Orozonova, A.
2022Using media as weapons in hybrid warIvanets Tetiana; Boiko V.; Stadnyk A.; Polovaia N.; Vaniushyna O.; Khodus O.
2021Discrimination in sports as a gross violation of human rights in UkraineYunin, O.; Komisarov, S.; Shebanits, Diana; Naumenko, S.; Steblianko, A.
2023Rural tourism potential in the development of the agriculture-industrial complexKovshun, N.; Kliuchnyk, A.; Tymchuk, S.; Orlenko, O.; Soloviova, O.; Horiunova, Kateryna