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Назва: Model to Formation Data Base of Internal Parameters for Assessing the Status of the State Secret Protection
Автори: Dreis, Yurii
Korchenko, О.
Brzhevska, Z.
Kriuchkova, L.
Nesterova, O.
Ключові слова: Information protection
limited access
state secret protection
parameter model
Дата публікації: 2024
Короткий огляд (реферат): Protection of information with limited access, especially state secrets, is an important task in the sphere of national and information security of the state. To minimize the possible damage to the national security of Ukraine from violations in the sphere of protection of state secrets) and to reduce the negative international rating and other serious consequences at the state level, the task of creating specialized databases, and developing and improving existing methods and models that implement relevant assessments is urgent. That is why, the theoretical-multiple presentation of the parameters of the generalized report and the report on the state of state secret protection in tuple models allow solving the actual scientific and practical task of formalizing the process of assessing the negative consequences of leaking a state secret, its disclosure or loss of material carriers of secret information, violation of the secrecy regime, etc. Previously, a tuple model of primary parameters was developed, and currently, as its continuation, a model of internal parameters and its hierarchical structure has already been proposed, due to the integrated theoretical-multiple representation of sets characterizing the information about the availability of the employees of the reporting subject of admission and access to of state secrets and the number of material carriers of secret information, allows, under the requirements of current legislation, to determine a set of input and output parameters for the formation of special databases and the formalization of the process of assessing the damage caused to national security from the leakage of state secrets. In the future, to implement the above-mentioned process, it is necessary to develop an appropriate model of formalization and processing of the database of secondary parameters of the subject of regime-secret activity.
Опис: Dreis Y. Model to Formation Data Base of Internal Parameters for Assessing the Status of the State Secret Protection / Y. Dreis, О. Korchenko, Z. Brzhevska, L. Kriuchkova, O. Nesterova // Proceedings of the Workshop Cybersecurity Providing in Information and Telecommunication Systems (CPITS 2024), Kyiv, Ukraine, February 28, 2024. – Kyiv, 2024. – Pp. 277–289.
URI (Уніфікований ідентифікатор ресурсу): http://repository.mu.edu.ua/jspui/handle/123456789/7141
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