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Результати 1-10 зі 12.
Знайдені матеріали:
Дата випускуНазваАвтор(и)
2020Strategic Cooperation of Ukrainian Industrial Enterprises to Create Competitive Advantages in the World MarketPerepadya, F. L.; Zakharenko, N. S.; Bodrov, V. G.; Zrybneva, I. P.; Paryzkyi, I. V.
2021Conceptual principles of law in the context of the development of the theory of the state and lawVisyn, V.; Zemko, A.; Lamazda, P.; Pundor, I.; Каmardina, Y.; Fridmanska, V.
2021Essential characteristics of the use of innovative technologies in educational institutions of the new Ukrainian schoolTimofeeva, I. B.; Netreba, M. M.; Moiseienko, R. M.; Khadzhinova, I. V.
2023Transformation of the automobile sector companies` international marketing strategy taking into account factors of sustainable developmentPolous, O.; Horiunova, Kateryna; Beznitska, D.; Magnus, V.
2023Synergy of Journalists’ Acquisition of Speech and Social-Communicative CompetencesGandziuk, V.; Tsepkalo, T.; Oleksenko, V.; Kalenych, V.; Oliinyk, A.; Bezchotnikova, Svitlana
2023Ecological and Economic Assessment of the Possibilities of Public-private Partnerships at the National and Local Levels to Reduce Greenhouse Gas EmissionsProkopenko, O.; Prokopenko, M.; Chechel, Anna; Omelyanenko, V.; Orozonova, A.
2022Using media as weapons in hybrid warIvanets Tetiana; Boiko V.; Stadnyk A.; Polovaia N.; Vaniushyna O.; Khodus O.
2021Humanitarian technologies as a means of the art of waging information warfare: sociological aspectPoltorak, V.; Zoska, Yana; Stadnyk, Alona; Sliushchynskyi, B.; Stadnik, O.; Vaniushyna, O.
2021Humanitarian technologies as a means of the art of waging information warfare: sociological aspectPoltorak, V.; Zoska, Yana; Stadnyk, Alona; Sliushchynskyi, B.; Stadnik, O.; Vaniushyna, O.
2021Managing Consumer Behaviour through Social CommunicationsZykun, N.; Zoska, Yana; Voronova, V.; Fayvishenko, D.; Kyiashko, Y.; Kumachova, A.