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Showing results 21 to 40 of 7224 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2021Administrative supervision over the activities of the city self-governments of the Ekaterinoslav province (1870–1913) (part 1)Korobka, Vadym; Korobka, Yuliia
2023Adopting the Polish experience in the renovation of industrial regions as part of the post-war recovery strategy for Ukraine (based on the example of Silesia)Arakelova, Inna; Lisyutin, A.
2020Adverbial Time Indicators of Correlation of the Event with the Actual Moment: Structure, Semantics, FunctionsVintoniv, M.; Grachova, A.; Fedorova, Yu.; Novikova, O.; Tiutiuma, T.
2020Aethetic value of Rostislav Dotsenko’s literary translationPavlenko, Olena
2024Agile-підхід до управління проєктамиМацука, Вікторія Миколаївна
2024Algorithmic Approaches to Universal Analysis ModelsKolisnyk, Valery; Bodyk, Ostap
2019Alternative Communications: the USSR Experience and Modern TransformationMelnykova-Kurhanova, O.
2024Analysing forced migration’s impact on Ukraine’s economic sustainabilityStrelchenko, I.; Smiesova, V.; Kozhushko, S.; Arakelova, Inna
2023Analysis of judicial practice on the application of Ukrainian legislation on combating exploitation in the context of armed conflictPolitova, Anna
2024Analysis of methods and models for assessing the consequences of the loss information with limited access, its value and agingDreis, Yurii; Korchenko, О.
2024Analysis of the Security Development of Business Entities in the conditions of Artificial Intellectualization of the Global SpaceTulchynska, S.; Pohrebniak, A.; Zybareva, O.; Pozhydaieva, Mariia; Solosich, O.; Vakulenko, A.
2023Anti-Crisis Management of an Educational Institution at War: Reforms, Changes, and Innovations in EducationKravchenko, T.; Prysiazhniuk, Larysa; Artemchuk, L.; Zharovska, O.; Bilyk, O.; Popruzhna, A.
2019Anti-discrimination examination of textbooks: problems of terminologyVoyevutko, N.; Fedorova, Y.
2019Approaches to education reform for children with special needs worldwideReznik, O.; Volik, Vyacheslav; Bezpalova, O.
2022Appropriate levels of physical capacities development in adolescents with different state of healthArefiev, V.; Riabchenko, Viktor; Piddiachyi, V.; Zenina, I.; Redkina, M.; Novik, S.; Hohots, V.
2024Archaeological complex of the eneolithic period from the mound near the village of Vysoke in Donetsk region: cenotaph or sanctuary?Nebrat, S.; Zabavin, Viacheslav
2021Areas of small business development in Ukraine in the conditions of European integrationPajak, K.; Volik, V.; Slovska, I.; Lushchyk, Y.; Tsyhanok, H.
2024Artificial Intelligence in the Context of Business ManagementMatsuka, Viktoriia; Horbashevska, Marina
2024Artificial Intelligence in the Context of Business ManagementMatsuka, Viktoriia; Horbashevska, Marina
2023The Artistic Space of the Topic of Inclusion in the Literature of UkraineSharova, T.; Pavlenko, A.; Nisanoglu, N.; Gladkykh, H.; Bodyk, Ostap