Перегляд зібрання за групою - Теми competitiveness

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Результати 1 до 10 із 10
Дата випускуНазваАвтор(и)
2023Adopting the Polish experience in the renovation of industrial regions as part of the post-war recovery strategy for Ukraine (based on the example of Silesia)Arakelova, Inna; Lisyutin, A.
2015Devaluation and revaluation impact on export and import competitiveness: theory and EU experienceMarena, Tetyana
2022The essence of the organizational and economic mechanism of the development of tourist regions in the modern realities of the global competitive environmentHorbachevska, Marina; Kyslova, Liudmyla
2022The essence of the organizational and economic mechanism of the development of tourist regions in the modern realities of the global competitive environmentHorbachevska, Marina; Kyslova, Liudmyla
2018Regional trade agreements and the dialectics of protectionism and liberalism: new vectors of competitivenessBulatova, Olena; Panchenko, V. G.
2024Research and management of the price policy in the field of marketing services of the enterprise using modern information technologies in the conditions of sustainable developmentArakelova, Inna; Shulpina, N.; Tokareva, Valentyna; Nahorna, O.; Shulha, O.; Khomiuk, N.; Sodoma, R.; Shmatkovska, T.
2024Research and management of the price policy in the field of marketing services of the enterprise using modern information technologies in the conditions of sustainable developmentArakelova, Inna; Shulpina, N.; Tokareva, Valentyna; Nahorna, O.; Shulha, O.; Khomiuk, N.; Sodoma, R.; Shmatkovska, T.
2017Transnationalization of higher education as a factor of improving competitiveness of modern universityMarena, Tetyana
2012Valuation techniques competitive edge tourist attraction regionMatsuka, V.
2018Міжнародна діяльність як умова конкурентоспроможності університетів України (досвід Маріупольського державного університету)Балабанов, Костянтин Васильович