Перегляд зібрання за групою - Автори Kyslova, Liudmyla

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Результати 1 до 10 із 10
Дата випускуНазваАвтор(и)
2020Budget decentralization: socio-economic significance and its impact on local budgetsKyslova, Liudmyla; Severina, A.
2022The essence of the organizational and economic mechanism of the development of tourist regions in the modern realities of the global competitive environmentHorbachevska, Marina; Kyslova, Liudmyla
2022The essence of the organizational and economic mechanism of the development of tourist regions in the modern realities of the global competitive environmentHorbachevska, Marina; Kyslova, Liudmyla
2018The impact of demographic processes on national economic securityKyslova, Liudmyla
2019Optimal strategy determination for the hotel enterprise managementKyslova, Liudmyla; Horbashevska, Maryna
2019Optimal strategy determination for the hotel enterprise managementKyslova, Liudmyla; Horbashevska, Maryna
2024Risk Management Strategy for International Investment Projects of an Innovative Enterprise in the Context of Industry 4.0Duan, Y.; Shuplat, O.; Matsuka, Viktoriia; Lukash, S.; Horbashevska, Maryna; Kyslova, Liudmyla
2024Risk Management Strategy for International Investment Projects of an Innovative Enterprise in the Context of Industry 4.0Duan, Y.; Shuplat, O.; Matsuka, Viktoriia; Lukash, S.; Horbashevska, Maryna; Kyslova, Liudmyla
2024Risk Management Strategy for International Investment Projects of an Innovative Enterprise in the Context of Industry 4.0Duan, Y.; Shuplat, O.; Matsuka, Viktoriia; Lukash, S.; Horbashevska, Maryna; Kyslova, Liudmyla
2020Transformational reconstructions of the system of the economic security of UkraineKyslova, Liudmyla; Suk, V.