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Назва: Public Diplomacy in the Countries of Central and Eastern Europe: Experiences for Ukraine
Автори: Trofymenko, Mykola
Trofymenko, Anastasiia
Ключові слова: Public diplomacy
Cultural diplomacy
Nation branding
Central and Eastern Europe (CEE)
Ukrainian institute
Дата публікації: 2019
Короткий огляд (реферат): The article analyzes the experience of Central and Eastern Europe countries during development of public diplomacy model in Ukraine. The authors have stipulated that under current conditions public diplomacy provides favorable perception of the country by the world community as well as encourages its support on the international arena on the part of other countries facilitating national security. In this regard, in the midst of “Ukrainian crisis,” the Ukrainian public diplomacy gained traction. Under its execution, Ukraine makes use of European post-communist countries’ experience due to common policy implementation readiness. In addition, following their suit, the Ukrainian public diplomacy model encompasses establishment of national institution to cope with certain issues, namely: language promotion, history, culture of a country, development of a national brand in order to attract tourists as well as foreign investments, fending off negative information influence on the part of the Russian Federation, etc.
Опис: Trofymenko M. Public Diplomacy in the Countries of Central and Eastern Europe: Experiences for Ukraine / M. Trofymenko, A. Trofymenko // Baltic-Black Sea Regionalisms / ed. O. Bogdanova, A. Makarychev. –Switzerland : Springer, 2019. – P. 235–243.
URI (Уніфікований ідентифікатор ресурсу): http://repository.mu.edu.ua/jspui/handle/123456789/8360
Розташовується у зібраннях:Трофименко Микола Валерійович

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