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Результати 1-10 зі 17.
Знайдені матеріали:
Дата випускуНазваАвтор(и)
2020Effect of the education and healthcare systems on the social security level in the context of global goals of sustainable developmentBulatova, Olena; Hrybinenko, O.
2020Strategic Management of Competitive Position of Tourism RegionsBulatova, Olena; Balabanits, А.; Babyna, І.
2020Regulatory competition in the digital economy: new forms of protectionismPanchenko, V.; Reznikova, N.; Bulatova, Olena
2020International student mobility: current trends and influence factorsBulatova, Olena; Zaykovskyi, О.
2020The external component of national economic securityBulatova, Olena; Trofymenko, М.; Karpenko, О.; Fedorov, Е.
2023Problems realating to the statistical research of the national market of logistics services in war conditionsHrynchak, N.; Yatsenko, O.; Bulatova, Olena; Ptashchenko, O.
2023Digital Development and Technological Innovations: Inequality and AsymmetryTrofymenko, Mykola; Bulatova, Olena; Trofymenko, Anastasiia; Vyshniakov, Oleksandr
2020International mobility of students in modern conditions of transformation in the global market of services (regional aspect)Bulatova, Olena; Zaikovsky, O.
2020The impact of global financial transformations on the economic security of Central and Eastern European countriesBulatova, Olena; Marena, Tetyana; Chentukov, Y.; Shabelnyk, T.
2020The external component of national economic securityBulatova, Olena; Trofymenko, Mykola; Karpenko, О.; Fedorov, Е.