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Результати 1-10 зі 30.
Знайдені матеріали:
Дата випускуНазваАвтор(и)
2014The problem of energy security of the European UnionFilipenko, T. V.; Zinovieva, A.; Філіпенко, Тетяна Вячеславівна; Зінов'єва, А.
2020Integration of chatbots into the system of professional training of MastersShabelnyk, T.; Krivenko, S.; Rotanova, N.; Diachenko, O.; Tymofieieva, I.; Kiv, A.
2012Metabolic Interactions between the Lands Cycle and the Kennedy Pathway of Glycerolipid Synthesis in Arabidopsis Developing SeedsWang, L.; Shen, W.; Kazachkov, M.; Chen, G.; Chen, Q.; Carlsson, A. S.; Stymne, S.; Weselake, R. J.; Zou, J.
2008Low-Dose Creatine Combined with Protein during Resistance Training in Older MenCandow, D. G.; Little, J. P.; Chilibeck, P. D.; Abeysekara, S.; Zello, G. A.; Kazachkov, M.; Cornish, S. M.; Yu, P. H.
2013Plant Acyl-CoA: Lysophosphatidylcholine Acyltransferases (LPCATs) Have Different Specificities in Their Forward and Reverse ReactionsLager, I.; Lindberg Yilmaz, J. P.; Zhou, X.-R.; Jasieniecka, K.; Kazachkov, M.; Wang, P.; Zou, J.; Weselake, R. J.; Smith, M. A.; Bayon, S.; Dyer, J. M.; Shockey, J. M.; Heinz, E.; Green, A.; Banas, A.; Stymnea, S.
2020Adverbial Time Indicators of Correlation of the Event with the Actual Moment: Structure, Semantics, FunctionsVintoniv, M.; Grachova, A.; Fedorova, Yu.; Novikova, O.; Tiutiuma, T.
2021Conceptual principles of law in the context of the development of the theory of the state and lawVisyn, V.; Zemko, A.; Lamazda, P.; Pundor, I.; Каmardina, Y.; Fridmanska, V.
2021The Influence of Medical Services Public Management on the Population’ Life QualityBarzylovych, A.; Ursakiі, Y.; Nadezhdenko, A.; Mamatova, T.; Chykarenko, O.; Kravchenko, S.
2018Legal regime for the protection of commercial confidentiality in the EU and UkraineKuzmenko, S.; Nadezhdenko, A.
2023The importance of strict adherence to the provisions of international treaties in the application of national legislation of UkraineIsaieva, A.; Volik, Vyacheslav