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dc.contributor.authorБулик, Максим Володимировичuk_UA
dc.contributor.authorКовчуга, М. А.uk_UA
dc.descriptionБулик М. В. Провідні політичні партії Іспанії та Європейська інтеграція / М. В. Булик, М. А. Ковчуга // Вісник Маріупольського державного університету. Серія : Історія. Політологія / за ред. К. В. Балабанова. – Маріуполь : МДУ, 2015. – Вип. 13–144. – С. 182–189.uk_UA
dc.description.abstractУ статті розглянуті основні політичні сили Іспанії та євроінтеграційний аспект їх виборчих програм. Проаналізовано популярність цих сил на даному етапі, під час передвиборчої компанії. Виявлені схожості та розбіжності головних іспанських партій у поглядах на ЄС. Виокремлені три основні підходи до процесу європейської інтеграції.uk_UA
dc.description.abstractThe role of Spain in modern international relations is significant. It is actively developing its importance in global and regional community, by strengthening the significance of its foreign policy and expanding cooperation with advanced countries. However, the main vector of foreign policy of Spain is the desire to integrate into a united Europe and gradually enter the number of the leading EU countries in terms of socio-economic development and geopolitical weight. Due to this goal, all the main parties of Spain have their own vision of its realization. According to the last public opinion polls the most powerful Spanish parties now are People’s Party, Spanish Socialist Workers’ Party (PSOE), “Podemos” and “United Left”. The paper contains analysis of the European integration aspect of electoral programs of these parties. The article contains the analysis of the popularity of these political forces at this stage in the election campaign. The author emphasizes that the popularity of the two main political forces of Spain is not the same as it used to be. Due to the long-lasting crisis in Spain and its hard economic situation, people of Spain blame People’s party and Spanish Socialist Workers’ Party for it. As a result, after municipal and regional elections, a large number of votes of the major parties went to new political forces, such as “Citizens” and “Podemos”, which represent a menace to the existence of the Spain’s two-party system. These parties attract Spanish people as they appear like new and fresh forces that could change the corrupted and weak political system of Spain, as many of young people think. The similarities and differences in the views of the main political parties on the EU are been revealed. People’s party expresses its full and active support to the process of European integration. Successful future of Spain and of all EU member states is associated with participation in this regional association. The election program of PSOE focuses on the economic component of European integration. The idea of creating new organs of the EU is putting forward. It is emphasized the need to reform and review of the old Union budget. People’s Party and Spanish Socialist Workers’ Party have similar views on both European integration and its full support. As election programs of People’s party and PSOE, the program of “Citizens” emphasizes the need of certain reforms in the EU. The emphasis is on political, institutional and foreign policy spheres. The electoral program of the “Citizens”, in general, and particularly on aspects of European integration largely coincide with People’s party. As for “Podemos”, we can conclude that although the party at some point allows the over-generalization about the EU, and this attracted voters who have lost faith in this Union, in fact, it is like most other Spanish parties is pro-European. However, many of these applications and its political ideas are quite populist, are far from the realities of the EU, and thus are unrealistic. Compared with other parties of Spain, United is the least pro-European. It held active discussions on the release of euro zone Spain. United Left does not support any economic integration initiatives that have been proposed in the past legislature. At the same time, they support greater integration between European countries, but not by capitalism and neoliberalism, but only in a social Europe. Three main approaches to the process of European integration are been singled out. European integration direction of foreign policy of Spain is urgent and important, but the views of leading political parties to it are diverging. The first one is full and active support of the process, recognition of exceptional role of the EU, loyal attitude to this union and defense of specific reforms in specific areas. Secondly, criticism of the EU, calling for radical reform and fundamental revision of the EU treaties, while recognition of the need for further integration. The third approach – a complete rejection of the current form of European integration for ideological reasons, however, support of this process in other socialist-oriented manner. To the supporters of the first approach we include the People’s Party, PSOE and “citizens”. The second – “Podemos”. The third – “United Left”.en_US
dc.subjectполітичні партіїuk_UA
dc.subjectєвропейська інтеграціяuk_UA
dc.subjectpolitical partiesen_US
dc.subjectEuropean integrationen_US
dc.titleПровідні політичні партії Іспанії та Європейська інтеграціяuk_UA
dc.titleLeading political parties of Spain and European integrationen_US
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