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dc.contributor.authorМnatsakanian, Mariia-
dc.descriptionМnatsakanian M. Application of digital twin technology in postwar city reconstruction: new horizons for recovery / M. Мnatsakanian // Digital Transformation in Ukraine: AI, Metaverse, and Society 5.0 / eds. O. Kostenko, Y. Yekhanurov. – SciFormat Publishing Inc.Canada, 2024. – Рp. 102–105.en_US
dc.description.abstractDigital Twins represent an innovative technology that is increasingly being adopted in urban planning, management, and infrastructure recovery. This article discusses the development of a digital twin for Mariupol (Ukraine), a city severely affected by military actions and currently under occupation. The digital twin will be developed based on data collected before the occupation, with the goal of facilitating the efficient reconstruction of the city after its liberation. The primary objective of implementing digital twinis to create tools for the rapid restoration of the city and provide convenient simulation of urban planning scenarios. The article also discusses the development algorithms and mathematical models that can be used to build and manage such systems.en_US
dc.publisherSciFormat Publishing Inc.Canadaen_US
dc.subjectdigital twinisen_US
dc.subjecturban planningen_US
dc.subjectmathematical modelsen_US
dc.titleApplication of digital twin technology in postwar city reconstruction: new horizons for recoveryen_US
dc.typeBook chapteren_US
Розташовується у зібраннях:Мнацаканян Марія Сергіївна

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