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dc.contributor.authorPoto, M. P.-
dc.contributor.authorVita, L.-
dc.contributor.authorPeftiyev, I.-
dc.contributor.authorMadani, Z.-
dc.contributor.authorPeftieva, Olena-
dc.descriptionPoto M. P. Co-creation of Knowledge [Chapter 5] / M. P. Poto, L. Vita, I. Peftiyev, Z. Madani, O. Peftieva // The Ocean Incubator Network Learning Toolkit / M. P. Poto, L. Vita. – Palgrave Macmillan Cham, 2025. – pp. 131–168.en_US
dc.description.abstractThis chapter provides a comprehensive overview of co-creation as a methodological approach, specifically within the context of ocean literacy. It is structured into five sections, each aimed at deepening the understanding and practical application of co-creation. Section 1 sets the stage by outlining the chapter’s scope and structure. Section 2 defines co-creation, starting from its relevance in climate law studies, then describes its two components, and then focuses on its specific application in ocean literacy. In Sect. 3, the concept of knowledge cocreation is aligned with the two thematic pathways. This section bridges the theoretical foundations with the practical implications of co-creation in enhancing ocean literacy. Section 4 examines the co-creation process by reflecting on the guiding questions used during the OIN Living Laboratory in Copenhagen, in May 2024. These questions played a crucial role in directing the discussions and activities of the working group, showcasing a structured approach to exploring co-creation that could be replicated in future projects. The chapter culminates in Sect. 5, which presents the ideas developed by the co-creation group during the Living Laboratory, demonstrating how co-creation can be effectively understood and implemented in ocean literacy. This section translates theoretical concepts into practical, actionable insights, enabling readers to experiment with and apply co-creation approaches and contribute to ocean literacy.en_US
dc.publisherPalgrave Macmillan Chamen_US
dc.subjectocean literacyen_US
dc.subjectco-creation of knowledgeen_US
dc.subjectecological knowledgeen_US
dc.titleCo-creation of Knowledge [Chapter 5]en_US
dc.typeBook chapteren_US
Розташовується у зібраннях:Пефтієва Олена Федорівна

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