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Назва: Appropriate levels of physical capacities development in adolescents with different state of health
Автори: Arefiev, V.
Riabchenko, Viktor
Piddiachyi, V.
Zenina, I.
Redkina, M.
Novik, S.
Hohots, V.
Ключові слова: physical capabilities
developmental and health-oriented training sessions
Дата публікації: 2022
Короткий огляд (реферат): The aim: To justify the appropriate levels of physical capabilities development in 12-13-years-old girls with different levels of physical health. The research involved 101 12-13-years-old female high-school students. The choice of the female high-school students of this age is due to the greatest variability of their morphofunctional state. The physical health of the girls was assessed according to the method of H. L. Apanasenko. Physical fitness was assessed with the help of 13 motor tests that determine different aspects of girls’ physical capabilities. Appropriate normative standards of physical fitness for 12-13-years-old girls with different levels of health and rational parameters of physical activity were determined. It was established that a rational option for planning physical training for 12-13-years-old girls is: 26 % of time should be spent on strength development; speed and strength qualities and agility - by 22 %; endurance - 18 % and speed qualities - 12 %. It was found that the main principle of the implementation of developmental and health-oriented training sessions for physical education of adolescents is the differentiated use of loads and assessment of their physical fitness. Calculated with the help of correlation coefficients and regression equations, the appropriate values of physical development in 12-13-years-old girls with different levels of physical health make it possible, using appropriate exercises, to eliminate deviations in their health indicators.
Опис: Appropriate levels of physical capacities development in adolescents with different state of health / V. Arefiev, V. Riabchenko, V. Piddiachyi, I. Zenina, M. Redkina, S. Novik, V. Hohots // Wiadomości Lekarskie. 2022. – Vol. 75, Issue 6. – pp. 1534–1539.
URI (Уніфікований ідентифікатор ресурсу): http://repository.mu.edu.ua/jspui/handle/123456789/7154
Розташовується у зібраннях:Рябченко Віктор Григорович

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