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dc.contributor.authorSokolovska, Z.-
dc.contributor.authorAlyokhin, Alexei-
dc.contributor.authorKapustyan, I.-
dc.descriptionSokolovska Z. Using the apparatus of simulation modeling in the process of developing advertising strategies of enterprises / Z. Sokolovska, A. Alyohin, I. Kapustyan // Economic and Social Development : 33rd International Scientific Conference on Economic and Social Development "Managerial Issues in Modern Business", Warsaw, 26–27 September 2018. – Warsaw, 2019. – Pp. 372–383.en_US
dc.description.abstractThe main problems in the field of advertising strategies development of enterprises, as one of the important factors in increasing the efficiency of their marketing, production and economic activity, are determined. The peculiarities of the formation of advertising strategies in the market of pharmaceutical goods are considered. The expediency of using a flexible mathematical apparatus in the process of developing and approbation strategies and their consequences for the future is substantiated. The model-simulator of the advertising strategies formation of the enterprises is offered, that developed on the software platform of the integrated system of multilevel imitative modeling - AnyLogic. The developed model-simulator is intended for daily application in the process of making managerial decisions regarding the formation and adjustment of the advertising strategy of enterprises in commodity markets. The model is quite typical and can be easily adapted to the specifics of not only concrete pharmaceutical companies, but also for enterprises in other industries.en_US
dc.subjectadvertising strategyen_US
dc.subjectpharmaceutical model-simulatoren_US
dc.subjectsimulation modelingen_US
dc.titleUsing the apparatus of simulation modeling in the process of developing advertising strategies of enterprisesen_US
Розташовується у зібраннях:Альохін Олексій Борисович

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