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dc.contributor.authorMarakhovska, Natalia-
dc.descriptionMarakhovska N. Methods of developing leadership qualities of humanities and social science majors / N. Marakhovska // Інтернаціоналізація як фактор конкурентоспроможності сучасного університету : зб. матеріалів міжнар. наук.-практ. конф., м. Маріуполь, 25–26 трав. 2017 р. – Маріуполь, 2017. – С. 268–270.en_US
dc.description.abstractIn the present article the solution to the problem of developing leadership qualities of humanities and social science majors has been provided by using relevant methodological support in the training process of H.E.E. It has been stated that leadership qualities constitute an integrated personal formation that includes motives, knowledge, skills and position. It has been found out that developing leadership qualities is aimed at improving the quality of academic and professional performance. The implementation of the pedagogical conditions of developing leadership qualities of humanities and social science majors with the help of the special methods, i.e. carrying out group research projects, conducting training sessions of professional development, completing selfassessment and self-development sheets has been considered.en_US
dc.subjectleadership qualitiesen_US
dc.subjecthumanities and social scienceen_US
dc.titleMethods of developing leadership qualities of humanities and social science majorsen_US
Розташовується у зібраннях:Мараховська Наталя Владиславівна

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