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dc.contributor.authorPakhomenko, Sergii-
dc.descriptionPakhomenko S. Between the Compromise and the Disagreement: Reaction Forms of the Greek Ethnic Minority of the Soviet Ukraine to the Assimilation Policy of the Communist regime (1950–1980) / S. Pakhomenko // Protikomunistický odboj v strednej a východnej Európe : Zborník z medzinárodnej vedeckej konferencie, Bratislava 14–16. novembra 2011. Anti-Communist Resistance in Central and Eastern Europe. Anthology of the international scientific conference, Bratislava November 14–16, 2011. – Bratislava : Ústav pamäti národa 2012. – s. 152–163.en_US
dc.subjectcommunist regimeen_US
dc.subjectGreek Ethnic Minorityen_US
dc.subjectassimilation policyen_US
dc.titleBetween the Compromise and the Disagreement: Reaction Forms of the Greek Ethnic Minority of the Soviet Ukraine to the Assimilation Policy of the Communist regime (1950–1980)en_US
Розташовується у зібраннях:Пахоменко Сергій Петрович

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