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dc.contributor.authorZadorozhna-Knyagnitska, Lenina-
dc.contributor.authorHadzhinova, Irina-
dc.descriptionZadorozhna-Knyagnitska L. Development of primary students’ emotional intelligence: analysis of foreign experience / L. Zadorozhna-Knyagnitska, I. Hadzhinova // Порівняльна професійна педагогіка. – 2021. – № 11 (2). – С. 48–54.en_US
dc.description.abstractThe article is devoted to the development of primary school students’ emotional intelligence. The author reveals the main results of education that need to be considered in the process of developing the content of emotional intelligence education in educational institutions, such as: awareness of their own emotions, self-control or control of their own emotions, personal motivation, empathy, management of social relations. Examples of tasks that can be used in primary school to develop students’ emotional intelligence are presented in the article. The international educational program of social and emotional learning (SEL) aimed at the implementing of emotional learning in general secondary education institutions and the results of its work are analysed. The purpose of SEL is to form five basic competencies in the field of emotional education, namely: self-awareness, self-organization, social consciousness, building relationships and making responsible decisions. Early school age is characterized by sensitivity and emotionality, which is a favourable condition for the development of emotional intelligence. It is proved that the child’s understanding of their own emotions has a positive effect on the socialization and self-realization of students, as well as on their academic success.en_US
dc.subjectemotional intelligenceen_US
dc.subjectsocial and emotional learningen_US
dc.subjectprimary school studentsen_US
dc.titleDevelopment of primary students’ emotional intelligence: analysis of foreign experienceen_US
Розташовується у зібраннях:Задорожна-Княгницька Леніна Вікторівна

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