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dc.contributor.authorГусева, Елена Ивановнаru_RU
dc.descriptionГусева Е. И. Ностальгическое и "утопическое" в поэтических символах романтизма / Е. И. Гусева // Romanticism in Literature. On the Cross-road of Époques and Cultures (Dedicated to the 200th anniversary of the birth of the romantic poet Nikoloz Baratashvili) : XI International Symposium "Contemporary Issues of Literary Criticism". – Tbilisi : TSU Press, 2017. – Part II. – P. 211–220.ru_RU
dc.description.abstractThe early Romanticism is like two-faced god: it simultaneously looks into the past and into the future. Melodies of spring, as well as melancholic tunes of autumn, become echoic symbols of romantic poetry. Their coloristic symbolism is composed of natural tones, mostly golden and blue. Its conditional space includes imaginary world – the enchanting country of Utopia. The utopian flow will preserve the nostalgic motifs of early romanticism (disappointment, melancholy) and, on the other hand, it will become an expression of "optimistic hope". A romantic utopia, with her search for the "ideal truth", will revive both in medieval and planetary fantasy.en_US
dc.subjectsymbols of sunset and dreamen_US
dc.subjectromantic utopiaen_US
dc.subjectutopian flowen_US
dc.titleНостальгическое и "утопическое" в поэтических символах романтизмаru_RU
dc.titleNostalgic and "Utopian" Symbols of Romanticismen_US
Розташовується у зібраннях:Гусєва Олена Іванівна

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