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dc.contributor.authorNesterchuk, I.-
dc.contributor.authorMatsuka, Viktoriia-
dc.contributor.authorBalabanyts, Anzhelika-
dc.contributor.authorSkarha, O.-
dc.contributor.authorPivnova, L-
dc.contributor.authorKondratenko, I.-
dc.descriptionTools and Development Drivers for the Gastronomic Tourism / I. Nesterchuk, V. Matsuka, A. Balabanyts, O. Skarha, L. Pivnova, I. Kondratenko // Economic Affairs. – 2022. – Vol. 67, No 4. – Р. 579–587.en_US
dc.description.abstractThe article examines the concept and features of gastronomic tourism, its history and its importance in the modern world. It is noted that gastronomic tourism meets all the requirements in transitioning from a service economy to an experience economy. The basis of gastronomic tourism is an authentic product identified by territorial characteristics and can attract tourists to the regionen_US
dc.subjectgastronomic excursionsen_US
dc.subjectauthentic farmen_US
dc.subjectdevelopment driversen_US
dc.subjecthospitality sectoren_US
dc.subjectgastronomic cultureen_US
dc.subjectgastronomic tourismen_US
dc.titleTools and Development Drivers for the Gastronomic Tourismen_US
Розташовується у зібраннях:Мацука Вікторія Миколаївна

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