Перегляд зібрання за групою - Автори Zabavin, Viacheslav

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Результати 1 до 12 із 12
Дата випускуНазваАвтор(и)
2024Archaeological complex of the eneolithic period from the mound near the village of Vysoke in Donetsk region: cenotaph or sanctuary?Nebrat, S.; Zabavin, Viacheslav
2024Archaeology of the North Azov Area. Komyshuvate Burial MoundsKulbaka, V.; Zabavin, Viacheslav; Nebrat, S.
2024Bilosaray lighthouse – a guiding light for ships in the Azov seaZabavin, Viacheslav; Arabadzhy, Svitlana
2024Bilosaray lighthouse – a guiding light for ships in the Azov seaZabavin, Viacheslav; Arabadzhy, Svitlana
2020Cultural Genesis and the Final Of Zrubna/Timber-Grave culture of the North Azov Area (the Late Bronze Age)Zabavin, Viacheslav; Bulyk, Maxim
2020Cultural Genesis and the Final Of Zrubna/Timber-Grave culture of the North Azov Area (the Late Bronze Age)Zabavin, Viacheslav; Bulyk, Maxim
2024Early Bronze Age Hoard of Copper Jewellery from Bojná (Western Slovakia)Zabavin, Viacheslav; Nebrat, S.
2022Metal Artefacts of Zrubna/Timber-Grave Culture of the North Azov Area as Chronological IndicatorsZabavin, Viacheslav
2023Post-war archaeology of the North Azov region: problem statementZabavin, Viacheslav; Bulyk, Maxim
2023Post-war archaeology of the North Azov region: problem statementZabavin, Viacheslav; Bulyk, Maxim
2023Regional peculiarities of the Zrubna/Timber-grave culture tribes’ calendar systemZabavin, Viacheslav; Nebrat, S.
2024The Wooden Bowl in the Pastoralists’ Culture of the Zrubna/Timber-Grave EntityZabavin, Viacheslav; Nebrat, S.