Перегляд зібрання за групою - Автори Horiunova, Kateryna

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Результати 1 до 16 із 16
Дата випускуНазваАвтор(и)
2022Content marketing in tourismHoriunova, Kateryna; Tiupysheva, V.
2023Key principles of tourism sustainable development managementVienažindienė, M.; Horiunova, Kateryna
2017Polish experience in development of the special economic zones as a way of stimulating territories leadership and competitive transformationKupchuk, M.; Horiunova, Kateryna
2020Principles of sustainable development in public administration of the tourism industry [Chap. 3.1]Stoyka, Andriy; Dragomirova, I.; Horiunova, Kateryna
2023Rural tourism potential in the development of the agriculture-industrial complexKovshun, N.; Kliuchnyk, A.; Tymchuk, S.; Orlenko, O.; Soloviova, O.; Horiunova, Kateryna
2018Socio-economic instruments for sustainable development of tourism [Chap. 2.4]Stoyka, Andriy; Horiunova, Kateryna
2018Socio-economic instruments for sustainable development of tourism [Chap. 2.4]Stoyka, Andriy; Lavreshov, A.; Horiunova, Kateryna
2023Sustainable Development Principles in the University and Community InteractionTokareva, Valentyna; Horiunova, Kateryna
2023Sustainable Development Principles in the University and Community InteractionTokareva, Valentyna; Horiunova, Kateryna
2023Tourism industry of Ukraine post-war revival on the principles of sustainable developmentVienažindienė, M.; Stoyka, Andriy; Horiunova, Kateryna
2023Tourism industry of Ukraine post-war revival on the principles of sustainable developmentVienažindienė, M.; Stoyka, Andriy; Horiunova, Kateryna
2019Tourism sustainable development: socio-economic aspectHoriunova, Kateryna
2023Transformation of the automobile sector companies` international marketing strategy taking into account factors of sustainable developmentPolous, O.; Horiunova, Kateryna; Beznitska, D.; Magnus, V.
2023University-community partnership: dimensions of sustainable developmentStoyka, Andriy; Horiunova, Kateryna
2023University-community partnership: dimensions of sustainable developmentStoyka, Andriy; Horiunova, Kateryna
2024Using Internet Marketing and Social Media to Promote Ecotourism in Ukraine (Based on the Experience of Norway and Iceland)Kniazieva, T.; Kazanska, O.; Orochovska, L.; Horiunova, Kateryna; Chernyshova, T.