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dc.contributor.authorKalinina, Svitlana-
dc.contributor.authorMikhaylishin, L.-
dc.contributor.authorKorovchuk, Y.-
dc.descriptionKalinina S. Transformation aspects of the modern migration processes development in the system of labor economic provision / S. Kalinina, L. Mikhaylishin, Y. Korovchuk // Business Risk in Changing Dynamics of Global Village 2 : monograph / ed. by N. Marynenko, P. Kumar, I. Kramar. – Nysa : Publishing Office University of Applied Sciences in Nysa, 2019. – С.113–120.en_US
dc.description.abstractThe article determines that the decisive manifestation labor resources transformation process in the conditions of globalization is the international migration of labor, which becomes one of the tools of professional and social self-realization for workers. The dynamics of migration processes constantly increases, and their intensity is much higher than the overall world population growth. A significant factor provoking transformational shifts in migration processes is the enhancement of incentives on the side of host countries. However, it is worth noting that the emphasis in these measures is on the qualitative characteristics of the workforce, and therefore there are clear “filters” in migration policy. It is found that due to differences in the level of economic development and wages, the vectors of migration flows remain unchanged. At the same time, global mobility – flexibilisation and standardization of employment, driven by the development of information technologies - is the newest tool for labor-intensive transformation on a global scale. At the stage of globalization, migration becomes an important factor in labor security: the impact of migration on employment, the quality of human capital, labor productivity, and the income level of the population increases. The most ambiguous consequences of labor migration are precisely in the context of labor supply to States: it is obvious that the shortage of skilled, especially highly skilled, labor will inevitably increase. That is why, at the present stage of development, all but one country solves the issue of attracting the most skilled labor force on the one hand and retaining existing and developing national labor resources on the other, adjusting national migration laws, educational programs, shaping levers to counteract brain drain.en_US
dc.publisherPublishing Office University of Applied Sciences in Nysaen_US
dc.subjectinternational migrationen_US
dc.subjectlabor migrationen_US
dc.subjectinternational labor marketen_US
dc.titleTransformation aspects of the modern migration processes development in the system of labor economic provisionen_US
dc.typeBook chapteren_US
Розташовується у зібраннях:Калініна Світлана Петрівна

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