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dc.contributor.authorPrykhodko, V.-
dc.contributor.authorKulakevych, L.-
dc.contributor.authorLitkovych, Y.-
dc.contributor.authorKanonik, N.-
dc.contributor.authorHorodniuk, Natalia-
dc.descriptionCultural transfer in translation: innovative approaches to preserving intercultural aspects of a text / V. Prykhodko, L. Kulakevych, Y. Litkovych, N. Kanonik N. Horodniuk // Synesis. – 2024. – Vol. 16, Issue 1. – рр. 47–60.en_US
dc.description.abstractThe paper analyses cultural transfer in translation. In exploring innovative approaches to preserving intercultural aspects of a text, we turn to the concept of culture. The concept of cultural stems from the diversity of phenomena and realities that it encompasses and denotes in the speech of native speakers and in the meta-language of researchers of various disciplines who use it. Without granting it the status of a unifying term, the article hypothesizes that culture is a travelling, interdisciplinary concept used in sociology, comparative law, cultural studies, translation studies, pragmatic linguistics, and interlanguage communication as a unit for the cultural transfer of concepts. The paper defines the concept of culturama, drawing on research from other fields, and considers its characteristics as a minimal, autonomous unit responsible for cultural transfer in translation, carrying cultural information and being a "resistance" for intercultural translation, which is not equivalent to interlingual transfer.en_US
dc.subjectInterlingual communicationen_US
dc.subjectCultural transferen_US
dc.subjectThe evocative effect of translationen_US
dc.titleCultural transfer in translation: innovative approaches to preserving intercultural aspects of a texten_US
Розташовується у зібраннях:Городнюк Наталія Андріївна

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